Boredom is a big thing for adults too. The Lumiere Team has come up with several things to do when you are bored.
During social distancing, kids aren’t the only ones that will get bored. Adults may run into some downtime and have that the thought “this is boring.” Try to mix things up a little and do something new. Something that you never thought you would have time to or just haven’t had the time.
Looking for something to do
There are a lot of things to do when you get bored. The trouble is many of us can’t come up with ideas when we need to.
Adults with or without kids can get bored just as easily as children. Grown ups need things to occupy their time and feel stimulated as well. If you have kids, it is so nice to have a little time to yourself. By the time that happens, you could be out of ideas after a day of entertaining the whole family.
If it’s just you and yourself, or you and your significant other, or you and your roommate there will also be a time that you sit there staring at the walls wondering…”what to do now?”
Most of us have a long “To Do” list but who wants to work on that all the time? Spread out your day. When you feel like cabin fever is setting in, try something new or simply change up your routine.
You may have all the adult time you need or just a little, while the kiddos are distracted by Disney+. We have listed out things that should help pass any amount of time.

Fun things to do
1. Exercise – Don’t let yourself get into the rut of just sitting in your favorite chair or sleeping in. You can still go outside and go for a walk (especially important for dog owners). If the weather is yucky, search for some yoga or floor exercises to try. Pinterest is a great place to look. Use this time to create a new exercise schedule.
2. Read – Ask your friends for book selections. Now it’s simple to purchase an e-book or order online and have it delivered. A lot of people say they don’t read because they don’t have time. Now is the time to set a part of your day aside to break away from social media and get lost in the pages.
3. Call Somebody – We all communicate through text, email, or social media. When have you had time to call an old buddy just to catch up? Now may be that time. That friend may be looking for someone to talk with also!
4. Letter – Write a letter to a friend or family member. How great would it be to go to your mailbox and see that a friend took the time to write you. It’s a great past time that we have let slip away. Kids especially love receiving things in the mail. Maybe you have a niece or nephew that you could write to and brighten up their day.
5. Photos – Actual photos. We tend to have that box or boxes of photos in the top of the closet. Get them out and organize them. Put them into books. Don’t want to get out to purchase photo albums, then order online.
6. Gardening – Go outside and pull weeds or freshen up your flower pots. Start planning what you want to plant for spring and summer.
Just need to kill some time
7. Videos – Have you ever been on FaceBook and clicked on a parody that took you to YouTube. Then you realize how funny those James Corden or Ellen outtakes are. Next thing you know 30 minutes has gone by and you were totally zoned out without a care in the world. Take time for that. It’s okay to submerge yourself with silliness every once in a while.
8. Check out homes in the area – curious to see the new styles and updates in homes? What about checking to see what homes are going for in the area? Here are some links to homes in Bartlett, Lakeland, and Arlington. Check out what your home is worth!
Try something new
9. Podcasts – Just like finding a good book, finding a good Podcast can be just as awarding. Ask around and give some a try. Podcasts are a great way to make cleaning and exercise time go by faster.
10. DIY – Find a craft or project piece that you have been wanting to try and do it! You may surprise yourself.
11. Explore – Think of some places you would like to go in the future. Research places to stay, eat, and tour. Make a list and plan out your days.
12. Learn – Have you ever wanted to learn about an historical event or how something was created? Look it up and learn something new. Lucky for us there is so much knowledge at our fingertips. Just make sure you are reading from a credible source.
13. Binge Watch – Find a great series or documentary, turn down the lights, get your favorite snack, and some wine and watch away. Then you can talk about it with your friends and understand why everyone is sharing the meme with the guy asking about his box.
14. Bucket List – Don’t have one? Well, maybe now is the time to start one. Just start writing.

Things to do on your “To Do” List
As previously mentioned, a “to do” list is usually lying around or just a mental note that sticks with you. Go ahead and check some of that list off.
15. Closet Clean Out – Go through your closet and clean out items you don’t wear anymore. Make some extra money by selling online or donate to a charity. With so many people losing work right now, I am sure there is a church or organization that would take up donations.
16. Expiration Dates – Go through your pantry and fridge and check those dates! You may be surprised to find that lonely bottle of salad dressing in the back has gone past date.
17. Clean – It just has to be done.
18. Junk Drawers – Everyone has one and everyone has one that needs to be cleaned out.
19. Desk/Files – Go through and clean out/shred old bills that just got filed away. Check expiration dates on coupons.
20. Email Inbox – Who has thousands of emails? Most of us! Don’t feel bad, you are not alone. Take a few minutes a day to just sit down and clear out the sales ads and marketing spam that you get. If you don’t shop there or don’t want to know the “toy of the year” then unsubscribe so you don’t get them anymore.
21. Have fun! – Everyone is going to get a bit of cabin fever. When nothing else comes to mind just crank up the music and dance like nobody’s watching.
Days ahead
We don’t know how much downtime is in our future. We can stay positive and active. Look on the bright side of things…You may speak to a friend that really needs someone or you might run across that one photo you’ve been looking for.
Below are some of our other blog posts that may interest you and give you something to look forward to.
Easter Egg Hunts in Memphis-2020
Memphis Traditional and Outdoor Summer Camps for Kids
Stay well and wash your hands!